
Author's Note: Dear readers, this comes straight from my heart and there is a 99% chance that you will find this a lot informal. So like you always do, read this one too from your heart itself and review too. :) 


          Since a few days, everyone has been telling me that I am, glowing. I don't know what that means. I am the same person anyways. I just know that I am happy. And that is what actually matters right? Being happy matters a lot more than being rich or famous or any of it. And I recently have learned, that when the source of happiness is from within yourself, no outer force can ruin it. I am happy with myself. I have started praising and scolding myself. I don't need others to do it for me... hey! Does this happen to everyone when they turn 18? I guess not. Well actually, I hope not. I like to tell myself I'm pretty awesome and have achieved some huge thing by opening another door of self- realization or something like that.
         I asked many people, what happiness meant for them. It was very exciting and sometimes funny to know what happiness meant for people. Some answers were like, Happiness is having fun!! or Happiness is getting a holiday!! Some were a bit on the serious outlook like Happiness for me is achievement or happiness is true love. Happiness is loving someone without expectations, finding true love, happiness is family, happiness is peace and other people being happy (Yes! You guessed right!! This answer is of my mom!), happiness is being somewhere in a natural environment, happiness is reading books, happiness is spending money on shopping, happiness is earning money, happiness is the success of my grand-children, happiness is calmness and solitude, happiness is watching movies... everyone had so many different views about this one simple felling named under a simple 5 letter word "H-A-P-P-Y". 
         I have a friend. He's a writer too. And when two writers who have entirely different perspectives about things sit just chit-chatting, it turns into (and I personally like calling it), a party of two! The exchange of ideas, getting to know how one thing can have an entirely different side for someone else, I know you are thinking it might lead to quarrels, but it does not, I like using the word fascinating. It really is fascinating to have a conversation with an exchange of not just words, but the exchange of ideas. Once, during this kind of conversation of ours, he told me, "Happiness for me is subjective!" I did not say anything about it at first, but I did not agree to it too. Because till last year, my philosophy about happiness was that, Happiness is distributed all around you, you just have to go grab your share of it. But now, I actually do agree with him. Our happiness does depend on our personal feelings, taste and opinion.
          As long as my happiness was based on external things, like shopping, or friendships, or a significant other person, I had a lot of experiences of things not happening the way I wanted to and thus, my happiness getting affected. I have come a long way from there now though. I believe in myself more than I believe in other things, people and also The Ultimate Reality. I blame myself, scold myself and forgive myself too, but I don't let that affect my happiness. A year ago I was crying about why I had to choose. I did not want any choice. This or that. I was crying because I knew whatever I choose would not be the right choice. But now, I changed that too. I have stopped looking at it as the right choice or the wrong choice. I have started seeing at options. So now, when someone tells me, 'as a matter of choice', I think, It is not the choice between right and wrong. It is the choice between two things, two options. Pick any, and make it a right choice.

       Happiness is not a matter of fate,
             Happiness is a matter of personal belief and choice. 


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