The Unknown Realms

The bitter truth of life is that we are all slaves. We are slaves; Slaves to money, to our minds, to our own emotions, to the people around us, to the so-called society, and to many more things that do not need to be mentioned. And the funny part is that some of us love being slaves to these things; we do not mind, not one bit, when these thing control us. We always tend to find ourselves in sticky situations, to be torn between the choice of individualism and of being socially accepted, the choice of following your mind or your heart, the choice of being loved deeply and of being loved widely, the choice of being your own saviour or of waiting for that one saviour, or even the choice of making a choice! We could go on and on listing the choices that we have to make everyday, every hour and every single moment of our lives. So is, getting over this entire slavery, one of the many choices that are offered to us?
Always easier said than done. But can we, really, choose to liberate ourselves from all these choices that control us? This could be the next step of human evolution; to cut down all these strings and rise to a certain level. There are humans who have evolved to that certain level; the others are slaves to fear. There is a certain kind of fear that every human possesses- Fear. If there is one thing that everyone is scared of then it it 'the unknown'. The so-called society is made up of everything known to humans; anything unknown is rejected out fear only because of not being able to understand, and the ones who explore these unknown realms are either suppressed or are crushed and destroyed brutally. And even after knowing all of this, there are some explorers that refuse to be either suppressed or crushed. Their guts don't fuel them. Like a certain kind of darkness is needed to see the stars, in the same way, a certain kind of madness is needed to explore the unknown realms of human existence, human relations, human efforts, etc. These mad explorers are evolved and have reached to that level. And this madness is contagious. If we let this madness touch us, if not anything, at least we'll be on the way to evolution (evolution as it is, is a continuous process); and we will be able to rise to that next level altogether.
No ones says that this is easy; in fact, this might be the most difficult journey that a human could go on; no one will understand you, very few will even think of trying to take the efforts to understand you, people might fear you, worship you, hate you, admire you, love you... it is very unpredictable. Once you start exploring these realms, you are at a very dangerous level, but you are a very dangerous person too. And the most difficult task, is letting this madness wash all over your soul, with this madness cutting down the strings of choices, and even then, not being a slave to this madness. To take control over this madness and not letting it go the other way round.
When you are born a human, there are a few things you don't have a say over- like making mistakes, being afraid, being unsure and so on. Everyone goes through this, even the mad explorers. But the only difference between these mad explorers and socially acceptable normal human beings is the readiness of getting over them. You could be one of the very few socially accepted mad explorers, you could be socially accepted normal human beings, or you could be the mad explorers. I would definitely insert two words from one of my beloved books that triggered me to try to be one of the mad explorers- "CLAIM YOURSELF."
Let us not be the kind of society that suppresses or tries to destroy the mad explorers, let's try to be the society made up of the mad explorers, I mean what is the big bad society made up of, if not people like you and me? And if that is not possible, at least let's try to not take the efforts of suppressing them and (if not able to support than) leave them alone with their exploring.
There are some of us, already exploring some of the unknown realms, and we are looking forward to come across more and more explorers. Keep exploring, keep inspiring and trust the madness within.


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