Rare specie- "True Friends"

You know? The specie called "True Friends" has become very rare. Once upon a time these creatures existed.
Yes. They are not creatures from myth. The ones that really shared an emotional bond with you. The ones that did not need to give the relation a name but followed the path. Held your hand in good and bad news.  Ones that did not backstabb you and the ones that truly saw you. The ones that knew how deep or shallow you can be at times and still stand by you. The ones that were more than family. The ones that did not need Facebook to remember your birthday. They still exists.  But in a very small number. I hope you find and enjoy their company before they compleately wash out of this world.
But don't go around expecting this from everyone you call as your "friends". Because you need to understand that by doing this you will only be hurting yourself.  Don't expect much from people around you. Because you will be the one to get hurt. They will quit on you and act in ways that you will have to quit on them. And then one fine day, you will be in the same room as them. Where you laughed and had fun together.  But you will be there as strangers. Looking straight through each other.  Like you don't even exist for each other. And it will break you down in pieces. But you know what? Don't pick those pieces up. Let them lie there. That pieces? Let those lie there. That is your punishment.  For expecting, for believing,  for trusting...


  1. Nice one! but may be it all boils down to ur sense of judgement and nowadays in this world of Facebook , gmail and what's app perhaps due to very high number Of friends it has become difficult for us to differentiate between friends and acquaintances? Those who can do so, still find those rare species


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