
          During the past one week, or probably the entire past year, I've again and again come across the fact that we humans love to be under illusions. Mostly that one of 'can't'. We always let ourselves believe that we cannot do a certain thing, cannot accomplish a certain task, and so on. If we do try, and then decide that a certain thing is not meant for us, it's a completely understandable reaction. But about something that we haven't ever tried, who do we ourselves decide that we can't do it. Knowing your own positive and negative aspects is a very good thing and a very necessary one too. But without giving it a shot, why do we decide that, "Naah! This just isn't me." Is it the fear of failure that stops us from doing some things? Is it the fear of dissapointing the ones that love you and look upto you? Is it the fear of being laughing stock to the ones who already look down at you? Or is it something else that we aren't aware of?
          Attempting to do something out of your comfort zone, something that you've never done before and probably something that you haven't even though of doing before can be scary, and our insecurities (which we all have) don't help a lot. There's a very interesting quote by Andrew Murphy which says, "You are only confined by the walls you build yourself." I believe those walls to be our comfort zones, and these walls block us from seeing the outside world as well as stop us from seeing our true caliber. Breaking these walls and pushing yourself isn't easy. It's going to be like a tornado, it's going to toss and turn, flip, destroy your spirit and everything you think you know about yourself, but when this tornado is done with you, you'll come out with knowing about something that you CAN do and something that you CANNOT. And isn't all of it worth a little more insight into yourself?
          Knowing your limits, knowing exactly when are you pushing yourself too hard is very much necessary for this process. Seems to be contradicting all of the above? Let's try again, pushing yourself hard enough to know your extent but not so hard that you end up breaking youself. The trick is not to jump but to go ahead step by step.
          Personally, I think that this process starts when you accept yourself. Just the way you are, with all your flaws, all your insecurities, all your fears. After the stage of self acceptance, comes the evolution. So from 'I know I can do this' to 'let's see if I can do this too' is a long way, but if we decide to put ourselves through certain tests that we haven't before, we just might come across something wonderful about ourselves. And if we all keep doing this, the world will certainly be a better place to live in, because really, is there anything more magnificent than humans trying to discover more about themselves and along the way helping others to do the same? I think not. We're blessed with the ability to think and act likewise. Why not make the most out of it?

It's all about exploring.

Author's note: I hope you like the article. Make sure you visit both of my inspirations. Thank you. :)
Amey Musmade-
PRS Explorers-


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