A Letter To A Dear Friend..

Author's Note: I have a friend, cares too much, cries too much, loves too much.. and like any other person, get's hurt too much. This is my letter to this friend of mine, some words that I have been trying to reach out to him with. But when you, yourself are shut in, it is difficult to reach out to people; I've observed. Anyways, here we go.. Read and review :)

Dear Friend,
        When our parents tell us that there is a lot more for us to see in the outside world (Which they tend to call the BIG BAD WORLD) and we just smile to ourselves thinking,"Aur kya dekhna baaki hai?" (what else is there to see), trust me they are not wrong. I understand you my dear. And not just me. Each and every one of the PRS Katta understand you. Okay let's put it this way, we all know what you are going through; maybe, like you are thinking right now, we don't understand what you are going through, but we know you, and thus, we know how are you going to react to it. I am not here to give you a lengthy lecture of how to live your life because a.) that is entirely your choice and b.) You and I both know I am a perfect example of how a 17.. oops! 18 now. Almost forgot! I am a perfect example of how an 18 year shouldn't be. But these are just some things I've learnt and seen.. which I want you to know about. I know we have talked about the below with intervals and very briefly.. but here you go once more.

You Are Not Responsible For Everything That Happens Around You: No. I'm not blaming this on you. But I know you hold yourself responsible for everything bad that happens around you. Luckily I am one step ahead of you in this! Yup! I've done the exactly same thing until one day I woke up with a "to hell with it! It is their fault!!" Okay no. I just wanted to sound a bit awesome but you know that's not the truth. It's like a Venn Diagram. Our lives intersect with many other's. But just some portion of it. Them and you are not the same set! Yes, in many cases you are responsible for what happens in your life, but not theirs. Well, not always! Let them take the responsibility of their actions my friend. Don't get me wrong, be there for them, warn them that they are going to fall down, and even if they do, help them stand up again, but make them walk. Pain and Mistakes are the best teachers. It's alright if they fall, they'll learn. Don't keep regretting on the fact that you did not hold them when they were falling. Be proud that you helped them stand up!

Love is an open door! : For further reference visit my blog where I have written a poem. Just kidding! Give love a chance dear! Maybe the one who broke your heart will come back running into your arms or that person will go farther away from you. Maybe someone new (or old) will come in your life and change it entirely!!  But trust me all things happen for a good reason. So don't shut your heart inside the cage. Let it out. Let it get acquainted with pain, grief, hurt, love; all of it. Let it learn and enrich. I'm not going to write more about this.. because anyways, I am not the right person to talk about this, right?

Music!! Let music make you happy! Not sad! : Okay you're allowed to cry when you listen to something so beautiful like the microwave's "beep!" But stop relating the lyrics to your life. It'll hurt you more than the memories can alone. Always remember, Music can heal and hurt too. Listen to a French or Spanish song of which lyrics you don't understand! Listen to the rhythms, the beats! It's alright to let music make you a wee lill' bit sad, but all the time? It's a strict no no! And especially in social situations. No! Not because they'll say something, or some crap like that, but because you need to put a mask up for yourself. Maybe you'll just forget your sorrows for some time and become that mask?? But yeah, don't use it so much that you forget who you truly are. So music? Yes. But enjoy it. Loose yourself into it and explore yourself with the help of it!

Smile! Laugh! Make a fool of yourself! : Make a fool of yourself in front of the mirror. Make faces at a baby. Jump up and down the bed (don't break it or your mum will kill me :P ) In weird situations smile out of awkwardness, if you fall, laugh and then get up. Laugh.. because a great person once said, "A day spent without laughter, is a day wasted." Read comics, watch funny baby and animal videos.. Have fun dear friend have fun. Get and spread happiness. Smiling will help you a lot to get out of sticky situations, and smiles are contagious. Who knows? Maybe your smile will be the reason of someone else's happiness? And what other better social work can you do than making people smile?

Dreams are not reality. They can be; but not always. : Okay this is as far as I can go without mentioning  Harry Potter. Professor Dumbledore said, "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." Those are dreams my friend. I know you have had some experiences about seeing stuff in your dreams and them turning into reality, but honey you don't always have to be too cautions about it. It's alright. Things which are meant to happen will always happen, things which are not meant to happen will never happen; in both cases, no matter what. So why worry? Stay Calm. Warn yourself about it, but don't obsess over it dear. It will cause more mental stress to you and only you. And now we don't want that, right?

My dear friend, we all love you. And you might feel like we push you away or we don't like you entering our life and all. But it is not that. We want you to grow strong. We are here. We always have been, always will be. We, all of us are one call, one message away. But like I said, we will warn you about the danger, we are not going to pull you away from it. You can either tactfully avoid the situation or face it. We are going to be around you even if you don't feel like it. Fall, get hurt, take our help if you want, get up again, smile, cry, argue, scream, shout, stay quiet and listen to the winds, listen to songs, listen to hard rock music, eat sweet, at spicy, read, watch movies.... Live!

"Explore yourself, explore life, explore the beautiful world around you my dear friend."

                                               Loads of love and well-wishes,
                                                        Your buddy Nidhi


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