I can't think of a title...

Writer's note: "I'm really sorry if I offend anyone through this article. This us merely something that I have been thinking of for a long time and had to get it out of my head. And a few days ago I found out this blog was where I could do it. 

                             In the following article you will find that I have used the word chuitya. Relax a little bit.  Even I used to find it offensive some time back but then I came across this video in which the guy was holding a Hindi dictionary and claimed that the word meant not more than stupid,  idiot, etc, etc; and I don't know if it is true or false.  But I'm still going to use it and trust me I am going to use it more than once.  So I suggest that if you are going to get offended by it or hurt in any kind at all, then don't read further on. To the rest, well, I hope you enjoy reading.
            As I was saying, we come across many kind of chutiyas in our lives. And they are divided into subcategories. But here, I am only going to write about that one special kind of chutiyas who live only and only to discourage you. I mean, sometimes I think that they think the only motive of their survival is to discourage you. I've not done research in this even if I was interested to. (I got caught up in reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green for 3 days, and then had to take one day for the emotional recovery to heal the damage caused by the book.) But from people surrounding me, I observed some things. I can be wrong. But this is how I have categorized them:

Sub-categories of chutiyas (Discouraging):
  • "You can't do it!"
  • "You can do it, but I know you won't."
  • "This task is not for you. Just give it to me. You do something else."
  • "OMG!! Look at yourself!! Do you actually think you can do this?!" 
1.) The "You can't do it" types:
                These are that kind of chutiyas who shamelessly stand upto you and say- "You can't do it!" And they speak of it as if they know everything that you can and can't. Also, you will find them at each and every place or occasion that you are going to do something. Regardless, if you do the job and fail they will go, "I told you so!" And if you pass, they will be, "Sheer luck! This time it was sheer luck! Next time you won't be able to do this!!!" So anyway, they feel it is a win-win situation for them. Eventually, we get used to this category of chutiyas. Yes they manage to make you feel small about yourself for a while, but just for a while. 

2.)  The "You can do it, but I know you won't" types:
                You have no idea how interesting have I found this category. They think they know everything about you. EVERYTHING. And the truth is, they don't. They know nothing about you. The have an idea of doing this specific job, but they have this time-pass to tell you they know you really well and you won't do it even if you have the chance to do it. And indirectly, they plant this strange idea in your head that "Am I really worth this job?" Sometimes, you do it anyway, but sometimes, you just step down. You step down because you feel this job is not for you.
3.) The "This task is not for you. Just give it to me. You go do something else." types:
                   These people. You find them everywhere. Every fu***ng place!! These people, ESPECIALLY these people; they either make you feel too good or too bad about yourself. These are somewhat similar to the 2nd type. But there is a minutely huge difference, They see you as a threat. Confuse? Okay look. They either are like,"Why are you doing this when you can do better than this?! You can do far better than this!! Go! Find what you deserve!! Leave this to me. I will do this, don't worry at all!" They don't know if you can do better than that, but they know that you can do this, maybe better than them. You are a threat to them. And in the same way,  sometimes they go all," You are a little small to do this job. A little inexperienced. Maybe the next time? Not this time. Go handle something which you are capable of." Trust me you can do a lot better than that.

4.) The "OMG! Look at yourself!! Do you actually think you can do this?!!" types:
                  Now these are the most funniest people of all! Each one of us has met them. They discourage you about the job, holding onto the points that don't even matter in this topic. Really. They focus on what you are bad at, rather than focusing on what you are good at. They even sometimes use big words like "Reverse Psychology" but they have no idea how bad can reverse psychology backfire. I call them funny because, well, the look at yourself has nothing to do with what I cook. You see? That's a simple example I gave you here. How many times have we seen our mothers work in the kitchen with make up and blah blah blah? Looks and cooking are entirely different things. The way you look is not going to change how you cook. But they will keep talking about your looks. And eventually you feel sad. Now don't get me wrong, sadness, affects your cooking very well.

And there are  many other types of chutiyas that I can't write about. All I want to say is don't let them affect you! You are awesome! You can do everything. You will fail sometimes. But you will have to get up again. Because that is the only way you can wash the tag "failure" away from your name.

-Nidhi Paralikar


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