To the Intruder

Author's note: Hey people, after a year of staying away from Blogspot, here I am with a new format, a new article, a new thought, and  a new realization. Read and review.


I know letters usually start from- my dear friend, dear, my dearest, or so on. This list can go on. But the fact remains that you are no dear to me, you are the faceless guy that managed to unknowingly affect my entire life with one of your most inhuman actions. You are no dear to me. You are someone that I have held immense hate for, in each and every bit of my being, for a decade and more. I know you are not reading this. And I don't care. I know that many others will read this, I know that some might give this a second thought before tossing it away as another article written by someone sitting behind a laptop screen, and I also know that some won't. This knowledge first affected me in a negative way, now this itself has enriched me.

 "Hit and Run", many people call it. The funny thing is, you could run away. Take a little bit of reverse and rush away frightened because of your own actions, and maybe because the man laying on the ground was not known to you, this does not cause you nightmares or doesn't haunt you all the time. Let me get this right, I do not hate you for driving with the speed that you were, on a road you shouldn't; I don't hate you for driving a bike in the age that you shouldn't; I don't even hate you for the accident. I hate you for every action and every word that came from you after that. I hate you for not being even a bit sorry and I hate you for looking un-apologetically into the eyes of a lady who has faced the loss of her husband because of you and use the words that you did. And I hate you for a hell lot of reasons which I could list out if I start noting them down. You see, you could run away that day, you could run away from the thoughts (I hope not). But that road, that place, is something has been my route of traveling forever. And every time, every single day my brain has created the picture of my father laying there in a pool of blood and a stranger, a guy, pulling his bike in reverse and trying to rush away. I hate you for not owning up to your mistake and face it.

But I've grown up now. I understand that the things I expected from you then, can only be expected from a true man, which you aren't. I go to the extent of not accepting as a human as well. This year, I've witnessed my friend going ahead and helping out a family which was in an accident. The fault wasn't even his. But he did not bother twice before rushing them to the hospital. Of course, because he was one of the good people, he suffered. Because on the other side, that day, were the likes of you. That made me hate you and your type of people even more. I've had my fair share of company with the likes of you. I've known people like you, and I've befriended people like you. I guess a true lady too owns up to her faults and mistakes, huh? If not anything else, at least those decisions of mine taught me how can someone be so much without empathy, sympathy, guilt, kindness, conscience, and still exist. It's because the likes of you have many people who stand up for you and very less that stand up against you. The only way the world is divided into, is good and bad people. Sometimes, Good people make bad choices and Bad people make good choices. You are a bad person, I choose to make choices that make me a good person.

I've hated you for more than a decade. I know we live in the same town. I know you live just around the block. I know you have a name. But I've never seen you- you remain a faceless guy to me. How many times have we crossed paths? I have no clue. Today, I don't forgive you. But I choose to pull out the roots of hatred from my subconscious. Because that is what has kept me caged in the same incessant cycle throughout years. I simply no longer have the time and the energy to waste it on hating a faceless creature. I know it's going to be a tough time to cut out a part of me that contributed so largely in what I am today, but I can't build myself on the roots of hatred. That's too much negativity. I have work to do, things to learn, people to meet, and a life to create. I refuse you to be a part of my life in the way that you have been so far. An idea deep within the core of existence. There was a time where I hoped that whatever and wherever you were, you were suffering. No longer. I do not care what happens to you. You were an intruder in my life, and I welcomed you in. Today, I throw you out and close the doors of my mind forever.


Most sincerely,
The Daughter


  1. Very very well written Nidhi. It really takes a true man to own up to his doings and actions. But what I admire and salute you for is that you have chosen to uproot that hatred towards that jerk and have opened doors for much more better things than cursing that individual. From my experience, the person who does something like this and doesn't own up, suffers way much more than anybody else because conscience is a very silent killer. It kills you each day, each moment. Very well written. Publish it on an more wide forum, let it reach those many others who run away from their responsibilities.

  2. This is the best thing you could do Nidhi. Forgiveness is a quality owned only by the Strong people... While you could keep cursing that person all your life and let him bother you each day, you have chosen the better path. All the Best for the Golden days ahead.


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