The Fairytale

Author's note: This post of mine is un-edited. It's raw. I would like to keep it this way. Read and review.

                                                          ...The Fairy Tale...

All over the internet I find quotes saying, "Girls mostly fall for the wrong guy because he seems to say all the right things." or even "Love doesn't hurt. Loving the wrong person does." And I think this might just be the right place to quote my friend exactly as he said it, "Girls love jerks." I couldn't agree more to all of these quotes you know. All of them. I know how it goes. Exactly the system. A girl getting introduced to a new life-a perfect looking guy coming along with an aura of mystery and Prince Charmingness-awkward introduction-budding friendship-best friends-"Aw my God you guys look like you are made for each other"-Love for the very first time-Him making her feel like shes the most beautiful, desirable person on the planet-fairytale type of moments shared-someone more perfect than her coming along-struggle to keep the relationship intact from both sides-insecurities, jealousy, over possessiveness creeping in-the final blow-break up-the girl unnecessarily turning into a cold bitch and the guy turning into a bastard and none of them living happily ever after because they decide to control something waay beyond the human world and physical existence known as love. How does that sound? That's the most commonly found version of our modern world fairytales. But you know what do I personally think? The good guys, they need to speak up, to the girls that they tend to like. Not in front of your friend who you complain about getting all the girls. That is exactly how they say all the right things. Because you decide to open your feelings in front of that person itself. The good guys, just like the good girls, mange to fall too much in love with one person, believe in unconditionally loving someone, and then if they actually pass the levels of giving-up-on-the-one-they-love-for-his/her happiness and date this person, they believe in loving someone to the very end, even if it breaks them inside out. And once they are broken, all their morals about love, everything goes creeping away from the person they were in love with. And  they go creeping away from themselves too but they manage to get over that. Some of them... most of them don't take it very well and turn into what people in our times enjoy calling 'bastards and bitches'. You know this is real and you can't deny.
      There's a beautiful piece of conversation in the movie 'Pretty Woman' (A.N- If you haven't watched the movie yet, please do.) that I would love to mention right now.
Vivian: I want more.
Edward Lewis: I know about wanting more. I practically invented the term. The question is how much more?
Vivian: I want the fairy tale.
This is exactly the things with we girls. We want the fairy tale. And then we realize that we are no damsels in distress, we are not looking for saviors, rather, we are looking for someone to accept, admire and adore us. We are not looking for someone to come save us from the big bad world, because hey! What is the big bad world made up of, if not people like you and me?? We are looking for someone who will love us and live with us in the big bad world. Now don't go all the way down calling me a feminist. I don't know what that word means and I am going to keep that topic for another post. I don't know about other girls, I am not looking for a savior. Hell, I ain't even looking out for a guy right now. Too much in love with myself and my freedom. But if I would ever look out, I know I won't look out for a fairy tale, the world I live in? Happily ever after exists during the day when you have a good day with your friends, or your family, or a cup of coffee and a good book. I would look out for someone... who actually thinks with his mind, keeps his ego and temper in check or something like that. I don't really know. All I know is, I've been doing all the saving I need for myself.
     I've been striving to write a love story for quiet a while now. And I keep trying. Everytime I realize my story is nothing different from so many written I tear it off, put the pen again on a fresh new paper or put my fingertips on the keyboard and start again. I want to write a love story because I know I can. I don't want to write a fairy tale. I just want to write something, sticking to reality, but still a little happy. I don't want to write a rom-com. I want to write a downright romance story. And I will. I am not going to stop trying. Until I actually create what I have in mind, until I create what I have been striving for, I am not going to stop trying. I want to get out of the way.
    I've made a few promises that I plan on keeping, till the end of time. And even after.
-Nidhi Paralikar 


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