The Great Gamble

Writer's note: I know I have been a lot lazy and have not updated here in a while.. I'm so sorry!! My college has started and it's been exhausting! I also went through a nervous breakdown. In general.. I took some time off. I wrote a few things but did not have the time to upload them also unstable internet connection :3 . But anyway, I'm up again, with full force and will try my best to be active again. :) Also, I am thinking of having those pen name kind of thing.. any suggestions? Let me know!! I hope you enjoy this article. Read and review :) :)
          One of my friends, I don't even know if I am supposed to call him a friend any more, uploaded a picture (photo) of all of us, the group, on a social networking site with the quote, "When old friends don't support you, it is better to have no friends at all". Any normal reaction after seeing that, would be anger. But I felt pity. Pity towards to guy who had misunderstood 'friendship', towards the guy who expected people or rather his friends to look after him, and to not look after them, towards the guy who managed to slip out of tough situations for the group and show up after  everything was over, towards the guy who who felt left alone, whereas, as a matter of fact, he always had our support. And then, the second emotion that hit me was anger. I was furious that he had become so self-centred that he did not even realize such a small action of him, could affect the group, or whatever that was left of the group in a terrible way. That this action of him, had killed whatever friendship or emotion of love that was left for him. That this tiny action of his had sent me back to the past. All those fights, all the lost friends; sent me swinging back to something I was trying so hard to forget, to run away from. And then what hit me last, was sorrow. The sorrow that I had fought hard to save everything, to make everything back to normal, make everything 'just fine' in the group and had failed... in a terrible way.
          What the hell is friendship anyway, huh?! A universal definition for friendship? Well, the Oxford Dictionary says, it is the noun form of friend. They say, "friend- a person that one knows well and likes". Such an easy meaning. Then what makes friendship so complicated? I have the answer! WE! WE make this 'friendship' complicated. We humans have decided that there are only two ways of handling our relations with other people, it's either the hard way (what most of us like to call the practical way) or the soft way (the emotional way as we call it). We are humans. We make mistakes. We all make different kinds of mistakes. But one mistake that we all make, that one common mistake- Treating the right people in the wrong way, the the wrong people in the right way. Everyone gets hurt in the process, but do you know who suffers the most? You yourself. Sometimes you just can't stop yourself from committing these mistakes. You just have to go with it. Because all our relations are based on trust. And I can't remember where have I read this wonderful quote- "The only way to find out if you can trust a person, is by trusting him/her." 
          I personally hold this opinion that trust is a gamble. A gamble that you have to make/play at every each and every point of your life. You win, it's a jackpot! You loose, you loose everything with it, yet, you keep playing... because we hope! It's a gamble in which you have to go with your instincts, and sometimes your senses literally cheat you. It's sometimes a game of luck, sometimes a matter of experience, a game that gives you everything in a moment, but which can also snatch away everything in the blink of an eyes. But we still hope that everything 'gets right'. Because some great guy (whose name I can't remember) has said, "Ummeed pe duniya kaayam hai" Translation- "The worlds works on the idea of hope". 
          So my dear ex-friend, former-friend, or whatever that we are now, I forgive you for your ignorance, and I hope that you get strong enough to gamble again, and I hope you get the share of happiness that you deserve. And I also truly hope that we never ever cross paths again. Because once I loose at a slot machine, I declare it unlucky for myself. And like any other human being, I love keeping all the good luck with me and keeping all the bad luck away from me. But that's just me... just the plain, 17 year old, simple (and fabulous!! No? Okay sorry..) me.
          Hoping, gambling and living, fighting my way through life towards my dream...

-Nidhi Paralikar


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